Childbirth Education - Everything you need to know about birth and much more
Childbirth Education
HypnoBirthing is as much a philosophy of birth as it is a technique for achieving a satisfying, calm and stress free birth. It begins with the premise that birth is a normal physiological process. Through self-hypnosis, special breathing and visualisation techniques, HypnoBirthing teaches you to release fear and to trust your body's ability to birth instinctively. This is a comprehensive birth program which includes birth anatomy and physiology, birth preferences and will give you and your birth companion a toolbox of techniques that will not only determine how you will birth but will also change the way you live.
Both Group and Private Classes Available
5 x 2.5 hour sessions
The Hypnobirthing Book and CD by Marie Mongan
Rainbow Relaxation MP3
Class Handouts including relaxation scripts and birth preference template.
Cost $580 per couple for group sessions
The ideal time for you and your partner to attend the HypnoBirthing course is between 20 to 35 weeks pregnant.
If you have already done HypnoBirthing training previously, you can also book a private Birth Prep (Hypno) Refresher ($105) for you and your partner​
For all enquiries please call Ange on 0413463250
"When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change." -Marie Mongan